Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yes, last week was pretty sugar and spice, and yesterday was a great way to wrap up the week. I went to Bloomington for Leslie & Eric's wedding. I love Christ-centered weddings; I cry everytime...not ugly cry...just eyes welled up. Leslie is one of my good friends from high school who is an absolute rock. Every ounce of her being exudes Christ- even when she's grumpy she loves. Everytime I spend time with her, I leave encouraged. And I couldn't be happier that Eric married her, because he is an incredible man of God. So yay! for solid foundations in marriage! I remember about a year ago talking with her about her wanting to be married and maybe on the mission field and deciding that singleness would not stop her from following God. And how awesome to see that she obeyed Him by going into her ministry, and He's blessed her with Eric to minister with. I love it!

Then after the wedding, I went to Church of the Good Shepherd carnival thing. I don't know what it's called :) And I got to meet Jake & Amanda's son Peter! Absolutely precious. I visited the church once this past winter. So I remembered a few faces and names but not a whole lot of details about anyone. It was interesting what people remembered of me from both there and at the wedding (because I'd also met a few of those people that same weekend I visited Good Shepherd).

The bridesmaids knew me as "Faceplant Girl who is a lady." The two stories they remembered about me were that I busted my face and that a married man once asked me out and my response was "no thanks, I'm a lady."

Lane remembered me as the girl who likes motorcycles and thought I was going to hit him when I jokingly balled a fist.

Abram remembered me as a rock climbing instructor.

Kara remembered me as the girl Jake was trying to marry off. Which, by the way, I guess he's put on hold since the whole Germany thing.

I don't consider any of those to be major things in my life...but apparently the most memorable.

And final fun thing of the week, I got to step out of my 5-speed truck in my skirt and heels and trudge through the mud to go help someone with a stalled car. There is just such a nice balance between it all. Some of the guys in my mechanic class last semester gave me a little crap the first night of class when I showed up in my Civic looking girly and afraid to get dirty. The next week when I looked the same but drove my truck and let oil run down my arms and got scratched up by the engine block, they didn't pick on me anymore.

So, all in all, a great week. I hope this stomach virus I have now isn't indicative of how the next week will be.

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