Saturday, August 30, 2008

Car, Camping & Chocolate

My new ride!
And this sweet decal action is how you know I bought it in Germany
I miss my family, but I must admit that I'm being pulled into a pretty great family here, too. The Grubbs had me over for dinner this week and listened to me pour out my heart and ask for advice before even the main course. I also had dinner with the Stuckeys. They love themed parties; so this one was a happy birthday to everyone party. We told silly stories on ourselves and had a great time. And the people who I knew would be family once I got here, the Youngs, are in the States this week, so I can't add any dinner stories about them yet...but they furnished most of my apartment! So they're pretty darn great too :)
Another fantastic family is that of the single ladies, especially those of us not in the dorms. I love the RA ladies, but the residence life and teaching/administrative staff are quite separate during the school year, simply because of schedules. That's why I say specifically the non-dorm women. Last night 11 of us went camping, and it was so great to get away for a night and get to know people outside of school. As we were getting ready to go to sleep, sprawled out on the floor in the little hut we stayed in (see photo below), I realized I was the only "new staff member" there and that I felt completely welcome. So, I told them that, and a massive "awwww" followed. Another great family is the young couples- who I've actually spent quite a bit of time with although I don't suppose I fit the defining factor of the group. Tonight I'm having dinner with 5 couples. I'm really glad that they invite me to stuff because they are incredible people, and because (selfishly) I feel like I'm learning a ton about relationships by just being with them and watching them interact. I'm learning what things are helpful within marriages as well as relating to others as a married person and what things aren't...what things show a man that his wife respects him and ways to show a wife love, what questions to ask, how small issues can become bigger if not dealt with, what to do when you're without TV, car, phone, internet, or friends other than your spouse for an extended amount of time...all kinds of good stuff. I used to make jokes about seeing how some of my guy friends treat their wives by saying something like "that's why I'm not married" or "you just convinced me to stay single forever." Looking back I realize how bad that was for me to say (even as a joke) to those guys; I really hope I didn't cause damage. But these new friends are showing me what good, Christ-centered marriages can look like... and how having someone to serve with can be better in some ways.
Having several families with different strengths = answered prayer

Having a car = liberating
Hiking and camping with great friends = the needed break from work to keep me sane (and fun:)
Eating from a never-ending supply of real dark chocolate everyday = divine
And, finally for today, in response to my last post about my desire for a healthy heart, I got several concerned emails from people thinking that I'm having a breakdown or that that post is just a surface explanation of what's "really going on." Let me assure you that I'm not that complex; I say what I mean. No breakdowns or veiled hidden if you're one of those people, stop reading between the lines. I want a more compassionate heart. I want to actually get to know people and let them do the same. And, for those of you still trying to read farther into my words, this has nothing to do with a guy--just my wanting more depth.

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